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Lobbs Farm Shop Business Development 2017/2018

The aim of the project, which took place in late 2017 and into 2018, was to improve the shopping experience for customers by creating more space and increasing the efficiency of the operating systems. This involved the creation of a new entrance, a change in layout, improved customer/staff facilities, a new weighing and labeling system, an Epos system and security tag detection loop.

There is also now a separate entrance to the Countryside Barn area of the shop which now allows us to make better use of this space. The provision of a customer toilet has also been a welcome addition. The new entrance porch with its oak frame blended in seamlessly with the existing building. The improvements made during this development have undoubtedly made a positive difference to both customers and staff in the shop.

You can see some of the changes made during the development below.

Lobbs Farm Shop 2011 beforee the xtension.

The pre-2018 extension shop front.

Lobbs Farm Shop new additional side entrance to the Counytryside Barn

Additional side entrance and steps to the Counytryside Barn

The new front extension and main entrance to the shop

The new front extension and main entrance to the shop

This project is part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

 European Funding Logos